Thursday, January 23, 2014

Could it be

I'm starting to think maybe it's me.......not me as in me, but me as in always going after or doing the same thing..... I keep doing what I've always done and I continue to keep getting what I've always gotten... This can't be life, and I can't continue like this. Something has got to change starting today, time to step out of my comfort zone. And it's also time for me to stop looking. The right one will come.... When the time is right. Good night....  Peace and 💜

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Thought for today!


Today was overall a good day for me, I missed class, lol umm, took my older brother to the doctor to hear he is progressing at a wonderful pace. My son had off from school due to the snow, I got to lounge around all day and do nothing! Me, my son, and an old friend went out on a lunch/dinner date. I love catching up with people I've been friends with for a long time. We are all growing older each day, have children and families, jobs, so we can't hang out all the time like we used to. So we usually catch up over food, what better than a good meal and good conversation. It felt good to talk to her though, had something's I needed to vent about, and she listened, and that's all I wanted. I ended my night watching a movie with my younger bigger brother. Today was a lazy day, but it was a good day. Finally no stress, drama, or chaos. Hopefully I didn't speak to soon :-) I'm going to bed because I'm in a great mood, and I want to go to bed this way. So no writing about anything in the past today, I'm just living in the moment for now. Good night, sweet dreams..... I love you!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Thought of the night!

I'm back!

It has been so long since I have posted anything, so many things have happened in my life since 2012 is crazy! But since I will be posting more often, I will have time to tell you all about what goes on in this crazy life of mine. I am now 26 (obviously) a little bit wiser, maybe still a bit naive when it comes to certain things, but I have learned so much! It is now 11:30 at night, so I won't post anything long and crazy, I just wanted to say I'm back. I will be blogging weekly (hopefully I keep up this time) and getting things off my chest. A couple things I would like to address since the last time I wrote anything, number one, me and my mothers relationship has gotten a lot better. Maybe because I finally took my fathers advice. I've learned how to deal with people (her) and I'm really not so sensitive anymore. It's kind of like I have it is what it is attitude. When it's good it's good, and when it's not I stay away. I talk to her daily, she has gotten to witness a bit of what I went through with relationships etc.... So I think that may have helped a bit as well. Or maybe it's just the simple fact that I am getting older and the phase is over. You know, that weird mother daughter rival phase. Well I'm hoping things just continue to go up from here. Next thing I want to address is the fact that I'm still single! Well sort of.... Ok well technically I'm not, but I feel like I am. In my mind. Ugh! If only things could be simple... But then that wouldn't be my life. I will definitely get into what's been going on in my "love" life before the week is out. But this past year has been a big eye opener for me, I've lost friends who, I've learned I can't trust anyone, Gotten closer with my family, and have become more focused on being successful than I have ever been. I have gone through so much, but learned a lot, and the is the reason why I still smile. It could be so much worse. Well I'm going to bed goodnight world...... I love you